Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maya gets tested for PCD at UNC Chapel Hill

Maya's self portrait doodled at UNC Children's Hospital

Maya and I flew down to UNC in Chapel Hill, NC thanks to the generosity of Angel Flights, who set us up with tickets from Hartford to Raleigh-Durham Airport in North Carolina.  At the hospital the first test Maya had was called a nasal exhaled nitric oxide test.  Using this test it was determined that Maya did not qualify for the five-year longitudinal study of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.  Most people with PCD has low exhaled nitric oxide, Maya did not.  She still went through all of the other tests required of the study of testing methods for PCD, but needless to say I was quite relieved to find out she most likely does not have this genetic condition.  We will receive word if one of the other tests points towards PCD, but they can take up to six weeks.

So why does she still get sick so easily?  No good answers, but I am at war with mold in our house by dousing the back of each a/c unit with bleach water every other day and eliminating any standing water in sinks, etc.  Just a hunch that mold may have a role.  She has just come off of Clindomycin and we are hoping no illness occurs anytime soon!


Kids Say the Darndest Things...

On Sunday, while Victoria was putting Maya's swim clothes on at the local beach, Maya said, "Look, my bum is getting bigger, just like Daddy!"  Victoria, Brianna and I all had a good belly laugh together, and the father nearby had a good chuckle as well.