Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pain in the gut from the butt...

Victoria has been experiencing great discomfort lately in her upper abdomin. The pain has been so bad that we were worried that it might be gallstones or pancreatitis. Turns out it is something much more humorous, but no less painful.

Yesterday at her OB/GYN visit to Dr. Saidel, he took an ultrasound of her abdomen. The gall bladder was fine, but there was a large protrusion in the area. When Victoria asked what it was, she was told that was the baby's butt. So the baby is bent over with her butt jammed into Victoria's right-side of her diaphragm. To add to that, the baby is huge. She is at the size of a 33-week old fetus, although she is only 28 weeks old! Her initial blood glucose levels are not terrible, so it doesn't look like pregnancy-induced diabetes, just a big girl.

So instead of the baby being a pain in the ass, she causes pain from her ass ;)


1 comment:

HandyDude said...

I think its time for more pictures.
Uncle Paul