Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Four Days Old and Doing Well at Home

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates in the past few days. Lack of sleep can really distort your sense of time.

Maya only spent 1 1/2 days in the NICU, with only 12 hours or so on the supplemental air "CPAP" machine. Although her APGAR score was 5 at birth and 8 at one minute, and she appeared to have more of a struggle breathing at birth, she actually recovered much more quickly than Brianna did and had no problems eating right from the start. Her initial trouble breathing was due to fluid in the lungs which quickly cleared itself up. The CCAM is causing no trouble, and will be removed May 4 (tentatively) in Philadelphia.

So here are the stats, Maya vs. Brianna:

Gestational age of birth: Brianna 37 weeks, Maya 35 weeks.
Weight at birth: Brianna 7 lbs 4 oz, Maya 8 lbs. 8 oz
Time of Labor since induction: Brianna 22 hours, Maya 14 hours (Victoria had pre-eclampsia both times)
Time spent on supplemental oxygen: Brianna 2.5 days, Maya .5 days
Time to normal eating habits: Brianna - over a week, Maya - instantly.

So basically, go figure. All statistics are out the window, including the stat that says it is very unlikely to get pre-eclampsia twice. BS. This is the last baby for us as another would have a good chance of killing mother and child. Victoria had a very high creatinine level in her kidneys this time, which they are continuing to monitor.

Mother and child got to spend a normal time together in the maternity ward for a day. Unlike Brianna, this time we were able to get the "Special Delivery" cake and have a baby photograph taken in the maternity room. We were visited by Auntie Megan, Grandpa Davis, Auntie Nicole, Cousin Savannah, Grandma Dayle, Nana Whittier, Allison Anderson, Bonnie and Shannon Brownell, and Pam Pellitier. Many pictures were taken and can be viewed at www.flickr.com/photos/gorskipics - go through the most recent sets.

Since arriving home, Maya has been perfect. She sleeps a lot, grunts and makes puppy sounds, and feeds very well. Victoria is very happy, as is Brianna. Brianna has been a very helpful big sister, and appears to be adjusting well.

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