Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maya and Chris made the Atlantic Online

Maya has been suffering since last May with bouts of C. difficile (mucus diarrhea) both on and off antibiotics.  We supplement her with chewable probiotic tablets and sprinkle the contents of Garden of Life  Primal Defense Ultra Ultimate Probiotic Formula on her morning oatmeal, and the results are good, but sometimes the C. diff. happens anyway.  

Researching treatments on the internet, I have found that the protocol the CDC recommends is barbaric and has very low success rates (40%, only measured up to one month).  They are heavy regimens of antibiotics that cause other horrible side effects and cause a vicious circle. 

After remembering reading an article mentioned by my friend Waldo on his blog, I researched the topic of fecal transplant to move healthy gut flora to the gut of a sick person.  After testing my poop in a lab and finding it Grade A, we have made the choice that should Maya get sick enough, we will use my stool (processed as recommended) to infuse via enema into Maya.  The issue is that we must do it ourselves, as doctors are barred from performing this inexpensive treatment in this country.

Here is the article:

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