Saturday, August 30, 2008

Brianna's First week in Kindergarten

Brianna started Kindergarten at New Hartford Elementary School on Wednesday. There was a picnic at Giant Steps (her daycare) before the afternoon Kindergarten students left on the bus. Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Mimi and Maya all got to eat lunch with Brianna and her friends before they left. They did a great job getting on the bus, and Mrs. Scully, Brianna's teacher, told me she had a great first day.

Brianna said she loved her first day in Kindergarten. She knows how to bring things home by having a folder with one pocket that says "Home" and one packet that says "School" for things that need to be sent home from school for mommy or daddy to look at.

Brianna said she loved her second day even more than the first. She had music class that day with Mrs. Flower. In music class they did singing. On Friday they has a substitute teacher who was nice, and they saw the classroom caterpillars turn into chrysalises. She said when they left the classroom one was hanging like a "J," and when they came back it was in a chrysalis. They also had art class that day with Mrs. Rood. The project was drawing a picture of herself with crayons.

Brianna also likes the milk she gets every day at snack time. She used to dislike nap time at Giant Steps, but now that she has no nap time, she is very tired after coming home and has gone to bed earlier. Kindergarten is hard work from playing so much!

Brianna wants to say that she has three new friends in Kindergarten - Sadie, Marissa and Jordan.

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