Saturday, August 02, 2008

Saturday afternoon update

Maya is doing great.  She was given a cocktail of meds that made her seem really happy drunk, after which they removed her chest drainage tube.  She now has 2 IV sites left, one on left neck, one on left ankle, and that's it, except for monitor stickers/leads.  She has been playing and has even left the bed and gone for a walk to the play room.  Also, she was moved out of the ICU to the regular cardiac hall and her new room phone # is 617-355-3622.  We are not in the room now as Brianna's similarly-aged friend Natasha is her new roomie, and she has had a tough time sleeping and with pain, so we are all out of the room giving them quiet time.  Therefore no photos either, as the camera card reader is in the room, and I am not.


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